Adoption Agency
Para comunicarte acerca de una entrega voluntaria
Para comunicarte acerca de una entrega voluntaria
¿Sabías qué?
Puedes entregar de manera voluntaria, a tu recién nacido/a hasta 72 horas luego del parto, sin incurrir en delito de abandono.
Para conocer más acerca de cuáles son las localidades reconocidas como Refugio Seguro te puedes comunicar con nosotros al 787.895.5727
Did you know?
You can voluntarily surrender the parental rights tofyour newborn up to 72 hours after childbirth without incurring the crime of abandonment.
To find out more about which are the locations recognized as Safe Refuge you can contact us at 787.895.5727
¿Sabías qué?
Padre o madre que no pueda continuar con la crianza de su hijo de 3 años puede hacer entrega de su patria potestad. Si el menor no presenta ningún tipo de maltrato el proceso se mantiene totalmente confidencial. En Adoptando te acompañamos durante todo el proceso.
Para más información te puedes comunicar con nosotros al 787.895.5727
Did you know?
A parent who cannot continue with the upbringing of a minor, 3 year old or younger, can surrender their parental authority. If the minor does not present any type of abuse or neglet, the process is kept completely confidential. In Adoptando we’ll walk with you throughout the process.
For more information you can contact us at 787.895.5727
Home Social Studies
Local and Interstate
*As a private Adoption Agency we are able to provide Home Social Studies for other private Adoption Agencies and or States Children Placemement Agencies.
*Some restrictions may apply
Counseling Services
Educating, Equiping & Strenghtening
As a private Adoption Agency we provide Counseling Services to help our families prepare before, during and after an adoption process.
Trauma Training
Relation & Eviroment as restoration tools
As the first and only TBRI certified organization in Puerto Rico, we provide trauma informed training to our families, schools, churches and the general community.
Child Placmemnt
Their needs, above ours
As a private adoption agency and acording to our state’s laws, we serve as placement agency for voluntarily relinquish babies from before their born up to 3 years old.
Legal Services
Expirience is key
With more than 25 years of experience working with family cases, our legal staff have both, public and private experience to serve our families every step of the way.
Support Groups
Adoption should not be a lonely process.
This is why we are building around Puerto Rico a robust team to serve as support group to walk alongside with our families.
Church Engagement
We are the church, we serve the church.
This is why we have partnered with Send Relief to be a catalyst in our local churches and help them get involve in the adoption and foster care ministry.
Awareness is key.
While there are thounsands of children in the foster care system and husdreads of them ready for adoption, most people, specially within the church, recognize not having much information about it.